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Increase checkout security with an NKL Intellisafe.

Whether you run a fast-food restaurant or a grocery chain, an NKL Intellisafe offers secure cash storage, access control, and a better way to manage the significant amounts of cash you deal with every day. Among its many features, the NKL Intellisafe features an interior compartment with a manual drop drawer, five-point premium NKL bolt-work hardware, an automatic locking detent mechanism, and a burglary-resistant lock with a relocker. The electronics include positive user identification with an electronic key (or a keyless entry option), an audit trail, and programmable delay and timelock settings. Utilize the NKL Intellisafe’s data-related abilities to manage and leverage your cash-management related intelligence across multiple facets of your business. Visit our Cash Management Safes for more information on our NKL safes that will enable you to take your cash management to a new level.

Secure, Reliable Cash-Handling Solutions

We not only stock a wide range of NKL products, but we also offer installation, testing, and employee training, as well as round-the-clock service when you need it, from maintenance to locksmith help. To learn more, view our BSD Series products.